Wedding SMS

Some people ask the secret

Some people ask the secret
of our long marriage.
We take time to go to a restaurant
two times a week.
A little candlelight, dinner, soft music
and dancing.
She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays.

Telling a lie is

Telling a lie is
Fault 4 a little boy
an Art 4 a lover
an Accomplishment 4 a bachelor
and a Matter of survival 4 a married man

The equation of marriage

The Equation of Marriage:
7 Glance = 1 Smile
7 Smile = 1 Meeting
7 Meeting = 1 Kiss
7 Kisses = 1 Proposal
7 Proposal = 1 Marriage -
And that 1 marriage has 77777+ problems.
So beware of glance!

True relations

True relatives always
stand behind u during bad times.
Check ur marriage album.
All your relatives were standing behind u!

When a man holds a women

When a man holds a woman hands?
When a man holds a womans hand
before marriage, it is love;
after marriage it is self-defense

Why do we all marry?

Why do we all marry?
Because romance is not
the only element of life.
We should also know horror,
terror, suspense, irony,
stupidity & tragedy of LIFE.