Rain SMS

How can u tell

How can U tell the rain not 2 fall when clouds exist?
How can U tell the leaves not 2 fall when wind exist?
How can U tell me not 2 fall in friendship when U exist.

If i could pull down

If I could pull down the rainbow
I would write UR name with it &
put it back in the sky
2 let everybody know
how colorful my life is with a friend like U!!

If u wanna know

If u wanna know how much i miss u,
Try to catch rain drops,
The ones u catch is how much u miss me,
And the other u miss is how much i miss.

Rain drop falling

Rain drop falling from the sky
has nothing in mind except to hit the earth.
No matter how tough the drop is,
it still reaches its destiny

Rain rain go away

Rain rain go away ,
come again another day
i sung this poem yesterday
thats y rain come today

The rain makes all things

The rain makes all things beautiful,
The grass & flowers 2, If rain makes all things beautiful,
Why doesnt it rain on you?